Chew This, Not That: Three Bad Foods For Your Dog And Three Good Substitutes

Posted on: 15 November 2015

The image of a dog swiping human food off a plate may seem cute, but if the pet gets the wrong foods, the poor pooch could get very sick. If you own a dog, you likely know that foods such as chocolate and onions are very bad, but there are other foods that you should avoid that don't get as much publicity. Here are three foods not to give your dog, and three good substitutes.


Grapes: Crunchy, cold grapes might seem like a nice treat on a hot day, but that's only for humans. For dogs, these tasty treats are toxic, resulting in kidney damage and vomiting. If you have a dog that really likes to snatch things that have fallen on the floor -- and if you've ever washed grapes, you know those things can fall and roll everywhere -- keep the dog out of the way when preparing or eating grapes yourself.

Milk: Milk might help humans meet daily calcium requirements for strong teeth and bones, but most dogs are actually lactose intolerant. While younger dogs can drink their mother's milk, they lose the ability to digest a lot of dairy products as they get older. The consequences of drinking milk, eating ice cream, and eating cheese range from diarrhea to gas.

Many bones: It may be a classic scene -- the happy dog chewing on a bone just before burying it in the backyard -- but many bones can crack and send shards into your pet's throat. As much fun as chewing on a bone might seem to be, all it takes is a millisecond for that bone to break and cause your dog some painful problems.


Baby-cut carrots: If sweet grapes are no longer on the table, look to cool carrots to provide your dog with some crunch and fiber. Give the dog carrots that are somewhat tender, like thinner baby-cut carrots, because older carrots can be tougher to chew. Bonus: Carrots are beneficial for a dog's teeth.

Unsweetened yogurt: Even though yogurt is technically a dairy product, it is easier for a lot of dogs to digest -- yogurt tends not to contain lactose. Do be aware that yogurt containing xylitol or other artificial sweeteners is not good for your dog. But unsweetened yogurt can be a nice, cool treat.

Dental chews: Instead of bones, give your dog commercially available dental chews. The dog will be able to gnaw at the chew to its heart's delight while avoiding any worries about splinters.

If you want more options for safe foods to give your dog, especially ones that can help the dog's teeth, talk to your vet or a dog dentist. They can give you some excellent options for helping your dog stay healthy while still having treats. One place you call for more information is Kenmore Veterinary Hospital


Keeping Your Pets Healthy

After I started staying home full time instead of working, I realized that my pets weren't as healthy as I thought they were. They basically laid around the house all day, and I started growing increasingly concerned about their well-being. I wanted to know more about their health, so I visited a veterinarian in my area. He gave me a few really good tips on reducing their caloric intake and encouraging exercise. Now, I can say that my dogs are truly healthy and energetic. This blog is all about keeping your pets healthy so that you can continue to enjoy their company.