Common Warning Signs That May Mean A Dog Has Cancer

Posted on: 30 March 2016

It is a sad fact that dogs can develop cancer just like humans can. In fact, dogs that are 10 years of age or older are very likely to develop some type of cancer. Fortunately, many types of cancer found in dogs can be treated successfully if diagnosed early. These are some warning signs to look for that may mean a dog has cancer.

Skin Abnormalities 

One of the first noticeable signs that a dog may have cancer is the development of abnormal bumps or lumps on the skin. This is often a sign that the dog may have some type of skin cancer. The skin may also have non-healing wounds that appear to have gotten bigger or worse over time. A bloody or pus-like discharge may drain from wounds or bumps as well.

Respiratory Problems 

If you have noticed that your dog has abnormal breathing, this could be also be a sign of cancer. The dog may also cough frequently. These symptoms should be checked by a vet immediately to determine if it is simply a respiratory infection or a type of cancer that has developed in the lungs or throat of your dog.

Unpleasant Odors 

If your dog has an unpleasant odor coming from his mouth, nose, ears or anal region, this may be a symptom of cancer. Cancerous tumors in these areas of a dogs body often have infection and may cause a noticeable foul odor.

Eating And Digestion Changes 

Another early sign of cancer is a change in your dog's eating habits. He may have a noticeable loss of appetite and may begin to lose weight. There may also be digestive problems evident as well. This can include vomiting, diarrhea and blood in the dog's urine or stool. The dog may also suddenly begin having trouble relieving himself as well.

Behavior Changes 

Your dog may also become less active and playful. It may seem like he is lethargic or depressed and does not take interest in any of his usual activities. He may limp when walking or moving. This is often a sign that the dog is in pain and could have bone cancer.

Even if you take your dog for routine check-ups at a vet hospital and he always gets a healthy report, it is very important to have him examined if any of these symptoms begin. Depending on the type of cancer a dog has, it can often be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or other types of professional veterinary care. The earlier your dog is diagnosed, the more likely he will be to fully recover.


Keeping Your Pets Healthy

After I started staying home full time instead of working, I realized that my pets weren't as healthy as I thought they were. They basically laid around the house all day, and I started growing increasingly concerned about their well-being. I wanted to know more about their health, so I visited a veterinarian in my area. He gave me a few really good tips on reducing their caloric intake and encouraging exercise. Now, I can say that my dogs are truly healthy and energetic. This blog is all about keeping your pets healthy so that you can continue to enjoy their company.